Handle the Pump carefully in moving it about prior to installation. If not installed immediately, store it in a dry location and protect from oil, dust, or moisture. Do not remove the covers from the suction and discharge flanges until the piping is ready to be bolted to the Pump. Rotate the Pump shaft periodically to keep the moving parts coated with lubricant.LOCATION AND MOUNTING
Place the Pump as close as possible to the cryogenic fluid supply. Allow room for inspection during operation. Locate the Pump in a space which is well ventilated. Fasten to a rigid, level foundation, using the largest possible bolts. The volute assembly may be rotated to any position in bolt-pattern increments; however, the top overshot is least subject to vapor locking. Where a separate driver is used, check the coupling alignment before operating.PIPING
Lay out the piping in accordance with the Installation Diagram. Clean the piping thoroughly to remove foreign matter such as dirt, scale, welding shot, grease, oil, water, or pipe joint compound before connecting to the Pump. Use only copper, bronze, stainless-steel, or aluminum pipe fittings; carbon steel is too brittle at low temperatures.Piping should be supported in such a manner that no strain is imposed upon the Pump. Install expansion joints or flexible metal-hose sections adjacent to the suction and discharge flanges of the Pump so as not to exceed 50 pounds force or 50 foot-pounds torque on the Pump casing during installation, cooldown, or pressurization. Failure to include these expansion provisions will void the warranty because it will result in distortion of the casing and possible rubbing damage to the impeller. It is good practice to secure the Pump to the foundation and then to connect the piping to the Pump for alignment while the final piping welds are being made at a point removed from the Pump. In this way, misalignment is taken up in the welds, not in distortion of the Pump casing.
Use pipe at lease the same size as the Pump suction for installing the suction line. The suction pipe should slope downward toward the Pump suction at all points, and should not contain loops in which gas may be trapped. If the Pump is located above the level of the liquid, pressure to supply the necessary suction pressure at the Pump inlet is required, and a gas bleed pipe is necessary at the high point of the piping.
The Pump is designed to operate with a maximum of 100 psig suction pressure. A safety pressure relief valve set at 100 psig must be installed between the Pump and the suction gate valve to relieve the expanding gas pressure while the Pump is valved off.Use only gate and globe valves in flow lines.